Beauty + Soul Studio

We're glad you're here.

Renae Knapp
Color Guru

Sophia Knapp
Learn how to create perfect color harmony and change your life!
Backed by decades of research, the Blue Base/ Yellow Base Color System has changed how we use color forever. This system has been tainted over time, and we are here to set the record straight.
You are perfect how nature made you! Discover how to honor your undertone, upgrade your business, and create peace in your environment with color harmony.
Thanks for stopping by!
xoxo Sophia & Renae Knapp
BBYB System Course
In this course you will learn the fundamentals of the
Blue Base/ Yellow Base Color System.
Color Analysis
How to analyze your personal coloring and find out if you are blue or yellow based
Color Guides
Bonus materials and guides to help you choose the best colors
every time
Learn the history of Bob Dorr and real world examples of the BBYB System in action

Blue Base/ Yellow Base
Color Dictionaries
We have limited edition vintage color dictionaries that Bob Dorr consulted on himself. The fans are split into blue and yellow based colors so you can:
Have direction when shopping for clothes
Choose harmonious paint color combinations
Choose the best makeup and hair colors for you
Decorate your home with ease
Analyze personal coloring
And much more!
For signing up to our newsletter you will receive a FREE download of examples of blue and yellow based colors.
This color guide will help you start seeing the difference between blue and yellow based colors.
Don't worry we don't send many emails;)